Talking about Coaching & Psychedelics
Talking about Coaching & Psychedelics
#8 Paul Austin - Integration Coach & Founder of The Third Wave
In this episode we’re talking to Paul Austin, pioneering psychedelic microdosing coach and founder of two companies in the emerging psychedelic space, Third Wave and Synthesis. Currently he is the CEO of Third Wave.
Paul is one of the leading voices on the use of psychedelics for personal growth, creative insight, and professional transformation.
We talk with him about his view on what it takes to become a Psychedelic Integration Coach, his experiences on Microdosing as well as the program for Coaches offered by Third Wave and many other inspiring topics regarding Coaching and Psychedelics.
Show notes available at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vCftbiapmRU5sA4AxTnDzhCRBC6qwpsZeo4bfnA3940/
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